A scholarship for Matteo, an apprentice master luthier
Our Foundation strongly supports the work of Master Craftsmen, an outstanding feature of our country. It has been a partner of the Fondazione Cologni for years as well as a sponsor of the MAM award, the special recognition dedicated to Italian Masters of Art.
In the role of Ambassador of the project “Una Scuola, un Lavoro. Percorsi d’Eccellenza – A School, a Job. Paths of Excellence”, each year we support and promote a master craftsman selected from among the most deserving and talented in Italy. And here we present Matteo Fontana, 24 years of age. Admitted to Civica Scuola di Liuteria di Milano, he specialises in building plucked musical instruments. Since January he has been working as an intern at the Liuteria Cocopelli, under the guidance of master luthier Simone Assunto, who will supervise Matteo’s training step by step. During the internship the young luthier will be involved in building and repairing acoustic and electric instruments through the stages of assembly, painting, finishing and set up. These guitars and basses will be made with zero-impact materials and European woods, avoiding the use of exotic materials to minimise impact on the environment. We are proud to give concrete help to Matteo, whose talent and passion will make him an ambassador of the Italian Beauty of know-how.
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