Ambassadors of Beauty – Sponsored Projects

The foundation has launched a sponsorship programme, selecting some projects and activities for the enhancement of beauty in Italy. This entails places that are symbolic of a beauty less known to the general public, supported by an active community. These projects have the merit of representing the all-Italian talent for beauty, in its broadest and most universal sense, as an indissoluble part of our identity. An idea of an unrepeatable and plural beauty, consisting of culture, history, care of the landscape, creativity, production and design, excellence and talent: a veritable strategic resource suited to a relaunch.

The Foundation has been scouting to select projects and initiatives to be launched, enhanced and supported.

Here they are!

Firenze Greenway
Ostia: Antica Bellezza. Valorizzazione del Castello di Giulio Romano II
Un Mondo a Parte, isole minori Italia

Musica con Vista
I custodi del bello
Archeologia del Rito
Generare Comunità
Festival e Concorso Bottesini 2021
Museo Diffuso dei Cinque Sensi di Sciacca
NU arts and community
Le Pescherie di Giulio Romano
Wonder Grottole
Procida Immagina
Art Nouveau Week
In Loco: Il museo diffuso dell’abbandono
Martano Città dell’Aloe
My Jewish Italy
Swan Station
Un Nuovo Design System per BASE Milano
Design in Town – Ortigia 2021
La Stagione dell’Orto 2021
Nautoscopio per Palermo

Officine del Levante
Palazzo Maffei
Verona Altera Roma
Prossima Generazione